Yale NexTouch™ Keypad Access Lock | Mr. Locksmith Blog
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The Yale Nextouch is an interesting product. I haven’t been a fan in the past of the Yale electronic locks. However, a customer required several locks for public/customer washrooms and the Yale Lock meet the requirements and price point. The customer-specific reason is they want a restroom lock so that the junkies do not get into the washroom and shoot up. Welcome to the West coast and one of our biggest problems in public washrooms is junkies overdosing in washrooms. Mostly we install deadbolts with the displayed privacy function. However, we have a lot of clients and customers who want a form of access control with key over-ride.
At the end of the day, customer needs some kind of accountability of who goes into the bathroom, but it’s just not left open. The customer can just enter a number to unlock it to let them. But because it’s a restroom, the only way you’re going to lock a door with something like this would be to put a barrel bolt on the door or another deadbolt.
The Yale Nextouch has a “Privacy mode.” The customer closes the door and holds the “Privacy mode” button a voice from the locks states “Privacy Mode Enabled.” So now anybody from outside has no access, no matter what pin number is being used from the outside, it will not let you in because here you’re inside it will always tell you that somebody’s trying to get in, but it won’t allow them to pin their way in. Now the only time this is disengaged, it’s not because you pull the handle to open the door, but when the door swings open. The lock resets back to a storeroom function.
The lock is a heavy-duty design and ANSI/BHMA Grade 1 certification. Good lock for, Office doors, Restrooms, storage closets, or a scalable solution for a multi-family, retail or corporate property. The lock is upgradable access control to wireless ZigBee / Z-Wave or Data-on-Card technologies as system requirements change and grow.
Again, this is very simple. It’s a pin with a code with a key override. You have to install the door sensor to enable the “Privacy Mode.” Presently, no master pin code over-ride, to open if someone is inside would require the key to over-ride the pin code function to open the door.
In conclusion, the price point is very, very good. The lock appears to be quite a heavy-duty unit. Normally, I would probably recommend the NDE but it does not have the pin code function. One problem is the user has to hold that button down for three seconds to enable the “Privacy Mode Function.” The unit does come with a sticker you can put on the door or lock on how to use it.

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